It happens, that we treat, the floor as arrangment background, and our expactations for it are ended on good endurance and easthetic look. However we want to offer something more. What do You think about, that the floor in Your house will become the main asset of decoration and real… work of art? It will happen if You will reach for Arteo panels.

Arteo panels bring to the world of interiors design completely new quality. They show also, that floor can be moved on the foreground of arangement, by which it  induces admiration of housemates and guests. The panels uniqueness follows from a few factors: beautyful  colouring, unusual shapes, perceptible structure and perfect technical properties.

Lots of arangement possibilities

Arteo collection includes over 30 wooden decors. That amount is impressive, isn’t  it. We know, that in this wide range it could be hard to find this perfect shade, that is why we make that task easier – on our website it can be found panels, which are divided on three categories: bright, neutral, dark. In first category the proposals, which make an interior brighter and introduce cheerful aura are appeared. We recommend this option especially for small or poorly sunlit rooms. However dark floors are created for big, open, spaces – they will be added them the dignity and  emphasize their noble appearance. In turn, neutral panels, are tthe most secure option, which will work in every interior.

The floor according to Your own project

What is curious, it depends on, which shade You are decided You have diffrent panels sizes to choose. – from S to XXL. The smallest plank has measurements of traditional ceramic tile, however the biggest one is reached almost 2 meters of  length. Most of panels are available  at least in two sizes. Thanks to it, that decor, texture, and way of linking are identical You can compare them freely.

For example, if You will decide for Nakuru’s Oak pattern, it could be used two panels types: S (1286 x 160 millimeters) and XL (1286 x 282 millimeters). You can link their freely and become a designer in Your house. Prepared composition will be captivated by its  unique nature.

Useful tool by the time of visualisation

Are you interested in how selected panels will be presented in interior? You can usually imagine that only, but in case of Arteo panels You have at your disposal the special visualisation tool. You can point out in it the decor and arangement, in which You want to see it. Planks can be ‘’turned’’ so that they will be layed  along or across of selected walls. You can play with that program at will. Thanks to it the choosing of the best solution will be easier for You.

Outstending technical properties

Arteo panels are combination of beautyful and oryginal design with high endurence. For the first has influence not only natural colouring and multiplicity of available shapes, but also the synchronous scructure (with clearly mapped drawing of the wood) and V-fugue (milled edges, thenks to which every plank is delicately distinguished). However the resistance for damages is  guaranteed by high ACS abrasion class. Then You are sure, that Your ideal floor will be stylish decoration of Your house for many years.